What We Do

Bruce Merchant and Sandra Reel

Bruce and Sandra Merchant"I helped start Ohio’s Western Reserve Land Conservancy, so Sandra and I bring a unique understanding and appreciation for the importance of Big Sur Land Trust’s mission,” Bruce Merchant explains. “I am grateful to Big Sur Land Trust for preserving land throughout our county in an ‘unpaved’ state. That’s what land trusts are for. It starts with the land – but it goes beyond just acquiring property. Long-term stewardship is critical to the health of our region’s spectacular landscapes. Big Sur Land Trust has played a critical role in preserving many of the open spaces that make living in, or visiting this area, so desirable."

"Big Sur Land Trust’s youth programming is essential. It’s really important to get kids out on the land – especially those who have little or no familiarity with natural open spaces. Experiencing the care and wonder of nature is something that has to be modeled and learned so that local youth can become future conservationists”, says Sandra. In addition to being long-time volunteers, Bruce and Sandra are also members of Big Sur Land Trust’s Land & Legacy Society.

“Including Big Sur Land Trust in our estate planning was a practical choice,” Sandra explains. “We are dedicated supporters, but we may not always be able to make regular, annual donations. So, we decided to select a few beneficiaries as legacy recipients. It’s a great option to consider!" 


Kate Mitchell Mehle


Kate Mitchell Mehle

Director of Development
Direct Line: 831-886-7813

Email Kate

Big Sur Land Trust’s mission is to inspire love of land across generations, conservation of our unique Monterey County landscapes, and access to outdoor experiences for all.

Big Sur Land Trust
509 Hartnell Street, Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 625-5523 | info@bigsurlandtrust.org
Tax ID# 94-2473415

© 2018-2025 Big Sur Land Trust.
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